Sabtu, 04 Oktober 2008

9r3at LeBaRaN...

it's glad to be back home again after visiting my grandma out of town...the last two days were great...full of journey n new cool stuffs...

i went mudik this year...yippiieee...senangnya...

we left Jakarta on Monday afternoon after attending Ied praying n visiting some of my neighbors n my father's sisters who live nearby our house...(*we used to call my father's sisters with "uak")

bis shalat Ied niy...

we have this special menu which wak ndut always cook for us..."soto babat+ayam bakar+paru+sambal/sambal kecap" which tasted extremely good....

we left home at around 11AM, dropping by first in Bekasi only for about an hour...then rushed to pass the south coast of Java....which turnes out to be very crowded with lots of vehicles passing through jalur selatan...

Let d journey begins...

seems like my brother tought the same way with other travellers..."ah mudikny ntar aj bis sholat Ied pasti jalanan kosong" dan ternyata semua org aj gitu mikir klo pas Lebaran jalanan kosong..walhasil...jalur selatan padat parah mpe qt harus dialihin karna nagrek padat....dasar "kecoa"...-that's my nu nickname for police officers-...see their uniform..brown..just like cockroaches..hihi..don't tell 'em cuz they will put me in jail haha...

my eldest bro who drive like nuts...hihi...

awalny siy santai y kan?? masih semangat....(*apalagi diselingin ma tahu sumedang pas ngelewatin cirebon....waaah mak nyos klo kata bondan yg wisata kuliner itu tuuuh...sumpah ga ad yg ngalahin tahu sumedang yg disana...aplg cabe rawitnya....hmmm...great...great...great...=P) tapi lama2x kok kynya endless road y jauh bner....mesti ngelewatin Cijapati...-nama desa antah berantah yg ga ad di peta...can u imagine how secluded the place is??- jadi qt tuh ngiterin gunung guntur-well that's my father who bother himself finding the area we passed through...i haven't heard the name of d that mountain-

sumpah jalannya bukit yg sebelah kanan jurang berpuluh2x meter n sebelah kiriny lereng...mampus ga lo?? they don't even have road lights...gokil....semuanya berusaha nutupin parno dgn ngelawak sambil ketawa2x ga jelas...hohoho....
kynya tuh kl nemu ad warung kecil aj rasanya seneng bgt...yup...we're back in civilization...lewatin jalan2x setipe hampir beberapa jam...sambil berharap2x cemas nemuin jalur utama ato paling ga kota garuk ato tasik yg kynya jauuuh bner....

seems like filming indiana jones dey heeee....tooolloooong qt jd korban peralihan jaalllaaannnn.....but akhirny setelah berjam2x mengitari gunung....qt kembali bergabung dgn peradaban ditandai dgn kehadiran pos penjaga kecoa, rmh2x penduduk...lampu2x jalan dkk....(ternyata jalur itu mang muter jauuuuh bgt, qt sempet ngira niy nyasar ga y.....tapi itu jalur yg bner cm itu td....paraaahhhhhh)

ditengah2x jalan nemu plang "Pringsewu" yg menurut rekomendasi dr tmen2x kk gw niy makananny sedaaaappp...aplg sop buntutny patut dicoba....excited dunk...berapa kilo lg...doooooonkkkkk..doooooonnnnnkkkkkk.....ternyata masih 56 km lg.....whhhaaaatttttt.....gokil...mana bisa tahan laper segitu jauhnya....

SeaFood 99 yg ad di daerah ciawi klo ga salah jadi pilihan (krna sgt2x tidak mungkin ngejar pringsewu yg masih entah dmn hee)...which d seafood place turned out to be sucks...(*sambil nyanyi laguny dewiq...BT BT aaahh...BT BT BT BT...) sumpah the foods are gpp lah drpd kelaperan cuz jam10 itu di sana berasa jam12 plus hari itu Lebaran...restoran2x jg pd tutup....

a couple of hours later nyampe terminal banjar nurunin dua bocah-tetangga gw-yg mw ke pangandaran...gara2x mereka niy qt ga lewat pantura hee dasar...

Ferry n aDam

yg satu parno abis nelp-in smw org takut ga kedapetan bis cuz dah jam 12 mlm...yg satu lg PD gila ktnya gpp dey tidur di terminal mpe subuh klo bis ny baru dtg jam segitu....nyokap gw yg ga tegaan maksa mereka bwt ikutan qt ketawa2x sambil ngecengin..rasakan kau jd gembel tidur di terminal...hahaha...(kbr selanjutny mereka cm nunggu satu jam trus dpt dey bis yg ke pangandaran n sampai dgn selamat...)

qt lanjut melewati jalab=n ular mpe akhirny nympe di purwekerto n decided to stay at a hotel in Purwekerto cuz my bro drove like a Formula1 racer....emosi dy dah ngantuk....qt smw lbh tepatny...

besok paginy lanjut k purbalingga yg ternyata cm setengah jam dr hotel tmpt qt nginep...akhirnyyaaaa...sampe jg....senangnya bs ketemu mbah putri lg....n my long lost relatives whom i haven't seen for quite a long time....
sama aj ky di jakarta...ngiterin tetangga sekitar silaturahmi lg y kn??hee...

went to my grandfather's cemetery...

went to Strawberry Field (lbh tepatnya siy kebun yg ditanami berbagai macam tanaman seperti salada air dkk tp krna yg paling ngejual strawberry y dnmain kebun strobery" ...yg jalan mw kesanany aj mesti mendaki gunung menyebrangi lautaannn...hee....dan apesny lg nympe sana qt disambut ma hujan...oh hujann...
cm bs ngeliat separo kebun strawberry yg ga ad buah strawberry ny...

kecewa krna hujan yg dtg tiba2x...qt mutusin bwt makaaaaannnnn aj deeyyy turun lg k bawah...di restoran Wapo Pondok Kelapa nmny..(agak2x ga ngejual y nmnya klo menurut gw heee) tp makanannya mantaaapppp kaliiiii......(*mengutip ucapan bedu bulo....)

it's family eating time....

niy aq AoZ....(*sambil berpikir ntar klo dah besar mw jadi ap y??heee)

aq aZka...adekny mz aOz...yg jalanny ky robot nahan perutqu yg aq lucu kan meskipun jrg senyum heeee)

oZ: hey...put me down u crazy child kidnapper....

see that brown bowl for hand washer...that's kinda cool right??

klo kt anak skrg niy HIP bgt alias "meriah" dey pas makan bareng waktu itu...semuany menggila....maen psen2x makanan aj pokokna order seenakny hee..gurame bakarnya mantap lg muraaaahhhhh klo di jakarta niy pasti dah berkali2x lipat...

pas pulang mampir dulu ke pasar Sukaraja..pusat oleh2x...yg biasanya lengang jd padat merayap dipenuhin sm mobil plat B...(see d pic under)

we spent a night at my grandma's house....pas bgt lg sambutanny mati lamou mang dasar PLN Lebaran2x msh aj ad pemadaman bergilir...

besok paginya..jalan2 bentar....trus pd ribet dey packing nyiap2xin barang bawaan blom oleh2x yg numpuk blom lg ibu2x yg pd nyari oleh2x tambahan ke pasar....duuuuhhhhh puusssssiiiing....

sebelum pulang foto2x dulu aaahhhh....

in front of my grandma's house....

another journey begins.....jalan pulang beda bgt sm pas berangkat.....lancaaarrr..
prediksi kali niy benar..arus balikny baru mulai pas sabtu....jadilah qt melenggang senang...berenti bentar ngeiat spot yg bagus heee...

masih inget pringsewu kn?? bwell...kesampean jg akhirny makan dsna..meskipun mesti agak2x nahan laper cuz agak jauh y....pertama ngeliat plangny msh nyari resto yg laen kok kanan kiri sawah heee (*mang ga niat nyari yg laen) ngelatin tiap plang iklan yg dipasang brp kilometer lg niy...sambil megangin perut...heee aplg c iman yg ndut...n tiap saat dehidrasi...

akhirnya nympe jakarta dgn selamat.....heeee...mudik yg menyenangkan....

Minggu, 28 September 2008

syndrom lebaran..

parah niy blog ga pernah di update...y jarang jg ini yg datengin jd cuek aj heee...

yipppiieee...counting down to Lebaran....three days from now...lots of different cookies type of Lebaran day dah tersedia n tertata rapih di meja rmh gw hohohoho...nyokap semangat 45 nyiapin ap?? nastar ad...keripik bawang?? castangel??? banyak be honest y gw bosen gila ma tuh kue2x...dari taun ke taun jenisny ga berkembang itu2mulu...ibaratny niy ky cinta monyet yg mentok ga bs pindah ke lain hati...lho kok konteksny jd menyimpang gni heheeee....

cookies n all the stuffs are just one of many things people craving for their Lebaran day...."new clothes"...that's a must....wearing something new in d special day seems can not be separated from d' tradition....mal2x di jakarta dah kaya pasar kaget yg mendadak jd penuh sesak dipenuhi o/ org2 yg ingin memnuhi hasrat belanjany hee...(*konon niy ktny jakarta masih kekurangan mal...gilaaa.....parah...dkt kntor gw bklan ad pejaten village, d kuningan dkt itc bklan ad2 mal lg...gokil....jakarta-ku tenggelam o/ mal pelambang kapitalis dan masayarakat yg konsumtif...*diucapkan sambil geleng2 kepala heee)

kmren j y gw dah berasa mau masuk club pas k nanonine yg di lamandau...itu tuh klo kt ABG mah distro tmpt baju2 keren dipajang (*tolong dicatat gw kesana dalam rangka "wisata ramadhan" berkeliling selatan jakarta di malam minggu bersama adi)

bis parkir...sempet males bgt pas ngeliat antrian di pintu masuk....bner2 dah kaya mauk klub..waiting list...tapi mang dasar peruntungan gw bagus hee...baru diri berapa detik niy di depan pintu masuk breng2 org2 yg have some fetish to break d door n grab all items inside d store...

this is what the queueing ooked like....eeehhh salah deng..hihi..niy mah ngantri minyak...=P (*dah jayus blom??)

tiba2 niy ad ce' dr dlm yg manggil...(*manggil adi siy lbh tepatny) "di...berapa org lo?? masuk yuk..." jadilah semua mata menoleh memandang iri n kesal...mungkin niy y dlm hati mreka blg "sial tuh org bru ngantri bntar lgsg blh masuk...nah gw yg dah mpe bego diluar ga dibolehin masuk jg heehehehe" y kira2 begitu....

whoaaa ga disia2in dunk..lgsg meluncur k dlm nanonine yg ternyata lg lucu2 barangny....n berhubung AC di kantor gw ga bs bgt diajak bersahabat...akhirny gw memutuskan bwt beli "Magic Happens red jacket" which adi says "pop art bgt fa'.." hahaha...mau pop art kek yg penting tuh jaket bs mendamaikan gw ma AC kantor yg kynya setiap hari PMS jadny sensi melulu..heee.....

flash back dkit niy...sabtu kmren itu bner2 hari yg bkin badan pegel2 tp mnyenangkan ....travelling around j-town...pagi2 belanja-belanji ma nyokap....untung adi nelp ngingetin qt mw jalan lg k PIM nyari shizoprenia ny d who yg dah lama bgt diidam-idankam sm dy (which turned out cm dvd lagu bkn filmny-dan kecewa lah dy krn jawa mmberi info yg tdk akurat heee)....setelah puas keliling2 nyari outfits Lebaran...pulang dey ma nyokap dgn tentengan barang2 yg sebenerny ga gitu mendesak bwt dibeli tp berhubung Lebaran...haaajjjjaaar smwny...heee...

tidur bentar....jam3an jalan destination....PIM....
c adi mamerin masker motif catur kotak-kotak hitam putih 2 pasang (satu bwt dy satu bwt gw dunk tentuny....ktny beli ma beny-itu tuh personil ny upstairs)

nympe d PIM lgsg k MUsik pLus....dgn kekecewaan yg mendalam klwr toko trus muter2 mal...(*sambil maki2x...sial pdhal dah memproklmirkan diri bkn anak maenny k mal lg heee.....)

nelp ntus...n qt mutusin bwt k's coffee time....mumpung dpt voucher cappucino...

it's coffee time...

i louph salad....

whooaaaa...di kok gemulai gtu y poseny heee....

muka nahan ketawa heee....

setelah kenyang makan....cabuuutttt....(*skip nanonie...)) qt k kemang dey biasa our fav spot....dvd corner....whre u can find great movies w' great quality hohohoho...

gw beli NARNIA II n' d' sound of music heee old school bgt y???!!!

dah puas ngeliat2x kok kynya pngen nngkrong bntar..nyari2 spot di kemang food fest.....penuh dgn ABG...huPFh....yasuw balik aj dey kynyaa.....

but we both were craving for "lime squash" or any beverages w' orange in it...
so we decided to drop by at d one n only TMP agaaaiiiinnnn.....heee....

duduk bntar minum....trus lgsg pulaaaannnggggg....yeeee.....

petualangan b'akhir smpai dsni......

malam minggu yg melelahkan dan menyenangkan hihihi...=P

Sabtu, 06 September 2008

a Day BeFoRe RaMadHaN......

akhirny bs ngumpul lagi w' d girls....we haven't met for quite a long time....couple of weeks i guess....even more....9osh....we're turned out to be that busy kind of girls....9lad to see those faces again.....(here are two of d' piccies....)

ceritanya niy acara ngmpul2 sebelom Ramadhan (which telat gw baru bkin postingan skrg karna y sok2 sibuk td heeee)...ceritanya niy acarany bertemakan.....
"seribu satu malam" which i think hmmm...kinda ribet y mesti cari2x wardrobe yg suit for that kind of theme....(well berhubung gw cm sbntar cuz hrs k kantor bwt posting weekly sm ryan; in which d weekly postingny turned out to be very boring w' him heeeee....muaph2x niy yan- jadiny ga mw ah males pake baju aneh2x heee org cm bentar doank)....

back to d "seribu satu malam" theme...which u can se in the pic above....three of d girls behind us try very hard to have that hippie or arabic ways kind of style maybe???heeee......

so what o u think guys?? do they fulfill all d requirements to be included as "best dressed award in that "seribu satu malam" theme show????" comment.....

as i said before that i only dropped by to take a glimpse of an eye.....bentar bgt bo' cm numpang ngbrol n foto2x (itu walhasil bangun kesiangan n dijemput ma' kepol yg sangat baik hati mw ketemuan d xbta heee)ngbrol2x ngalor-ngidul (bukanny idul lhoooo heee)

bis ntu balik dey k kantor tercinta dgn taxi express yg dari minggu kmren c rany teriak2x di kantor klo it msk list crime taxi....ceritana ad perempuan yg jadi target perampokan-which very fortunate she did not get ripped.....(sumpah gw mengutuk keras perbuatan itu...c'mon u ruined people's life with that....)

arrived di tetra pak tercinta around 12:30 PM....beli ketropak dulu bwt lunch heee...which ternyata kurang memuaskan hasrat lapar-kuh heee....

like i said before posting wekly (now changed into strategic outlok-skip ga penting) kinda boring....finished at around 7:40 PM (wowww...never been on duty that long for weekly...unless this time.....cuz new format n all d stuffs which need lots of times to get d work done.....

blom lg c adi n ntus yg cerewet bgt (agak2x dihiperbolis-in niy heee)
te waited for me about an hour n a half.....whoaaa so sweet boys.....u're my boys dey heee.....not to mention basah2xan cuz sblom ksni...ujan deras....since they are bikers so rains would be friendly enough to fall on their clothes...heee....

dari liat2x di Ace Hardware (once again adi showed his "dream bycycle" @ d store to ntuz n complaining bout how expensive d price is heeee), makan mpe'2x d dpn kantor mpe maen2x ma Odi -anjing kantor yg sukses bgt bkin keparnoan gw sm d creature called "dog" ilang....since odi is a very cutie sweetie lovely dog....yg tmpt tongkrongan favoritny di sebelah pos satpam heeee.....

d boys (adi n ntuz) ngakak pas tau nmny odi....dunno what was they laughed about....i guess it's quite normal for people to name their pet with whatever names they want....hee weirdo....tuh anak dua mang beda....

akhirny setelah berdebat panjang lebar qt mutusin bwt makan again di TMP tercinta.....ditengah jln niy kelemotanny c ntus mang dah ga diragukan lg dey kredibilitasny heeee....udh tau qt mw jln lurus trs lwt mmpang eh dy malah ngmbil jalur kanan pas lampu merah yg smw org jg tau itu bwt belok....dong5x....
walhasil gw n adi mesti nunggu dy dulu couple of minutes...till he showed up n we made fun of him...."ntus kau bodoh sekalieeeee.....heeee" n he responded with senyuman dahsyat yg jadi ciri khas tuh anak.... we are arrived at TMP.....kebingungan mang akan selalu ad cuz qt jln mpe ujung balik lg p msh bingung mw makan me as d one n only gal w' 'em at that time...decided that we shouold eat @ d japanese food foodstall....

they just nodded heee...i guess they did not want to hear my "cerewetan" jd nurut aj.....

ga lupa foto dulu sebelum makan...ttep lho....(*i looked very kucel heeee seharin jln blom sempet mandi....=P)


qt selesai makan jam setengah sepuluhan...bis ntu lgsg cabut pulaaaangggg....
cuz we did not want to wake up late for d very first day pre-dawn meal aka sahur in this Ramadhan............

Jumat, 22 Agustus 2008


ceritanya niy postingan gw yg satu ini mw diawalin dgn alur mundur klo kt dosen literature di kampus gw itu tuh....Ms. kabar mam??....

as u all know (males y berasa artis bgt yg diberitain di infotainment n smw org tau lo lg ngapain hee...) i'm a news writer...masih pre basic niy ibaratny klo di LIA....
n i'm workin in an english news site....pertama kali gw kerja bneran y ga ngitung2 kerjaan gw yg kemaren2x....heee....muaph niy SINDO ga diakuin....hohohoho......

pastiny jd anak baru hrs nunjukin yg bgus2 dunk.....y iylah smw org jg gtu....
y pokona gw MENGGEBU2x bangged dey buat bner2 bs MENITI KARIER n diawalin jd news writer dsni....dgn mimpi2 kesuksesan, kepuasan dan pastiny HARGA DIRI yg selama ini bner2 jadi harta gw (ibaratny niy itu tuh kaya guci China yg klo berdebu dkit aj gw dah stress bgt heee...)

bner2 semangat 45 bgt dey ato bahkan dobel jadi semangat 90 heee.....

ngelakuin smwny dgn sepenuh hati....halahhh....ampe2 niy rela panas2an demo.....
(which notabene menyenangkan lho...knp dulu pas jaman kuliah gw ga pernah ikutan y?? kebanyakan kongkow2 seeyyy.....)

initiny ga ad hal laen yg bkin konsentrasi gw ma kerjaan terpecah.....i can't tolerate any single mistake...evertyhing has to be perfect......


more or less sebulanan yg lalu......tiba2 gw jadi ngerasa semua itu ilang dari gw...pikiran gw ke block....sama byk hal2 yg waktu itu menurut gw penting bgt...

masalah sm co' gw...tmen dket gw....campur aduk dey.....ketakutan2x akan kehidupan nantiny gmn....

ribet (mengutip kt tmen gw....ribet means drama for sure in a negative sense....)

ga fokus abiiiiisss........

ga jelas bgt dey gw.....waktu itu...

kya karakter vanessa di smart people tuh mirip2x dey pokokna (well except she would rather spend her time reading her SAT book than visiting her father @ d hospital.......klo gw ga segitu2ny amat kaleee.....)

masih punya hasrat bersenang2x.....

balik lg ke inti permasalahan....hee ky politisi aj...(pdhl niy politisi jg sbnerny gtw inti permasalahanny aj...kebanyakan dari mereka mah yg penting tampil..ngomong.....kasih "sumbangan" sana-sini......dan dpt suara ad maksud mendiskreditkan lhoooo.....)

gw bner2 on the edge of breaking down banggeddd......
lg ad di perempatan filmny britney jaman dulu crossroads...
binun jalan mana yg mesti dilaluin.....

meskipun ga semua pertanyaan n unek2 yg ad di kepala gw kejawab..paling ga kejadian yg barusan gw alamin can totally turn my mood 180 degrees jadi warna-warni....

jadi niy qt ngbrol ngalor-ngidul awalny....aneh dey ngbrol ma niy anak pasti ngebahas hal2 yg sama berulang2 lg tapi rasanya tetep aj pengen dibahas....(hal yg repeatedly dibahas itu mah qt blom dpt jawabanny...tapi siy qt dah bs nebak....pokokny kekecewaan terdalam dey.....heee)

berhubung pake esia...(yg mengharuskan qt ngbrol 1jam lebih bru dpt pulsa 2rb balik....hee...) ngbrol lmyn lama....mpe ujung2ny ke masalah kerjaan....

well...tuh anak mang sehati ma' gw....qt ngerasain hal yg sama ttg masalah kerjaan.....

intiny niy dari obrolan via esia itu....qt lbh byk gw siy hee...ngedapetin pncerahan yg bikin mata gw kebuka lebar klo masih byk kok hal yg bs lo lakuin n lbh penting....

n kemaren2 ini gw dah bner2 put aside all dreams that i've been fight for since d very beginning.....

mimpi2 akan kesuksesan....karier....pengakuan.....ngedapetin real meaning of life....dkk....

thx to tatem....elo mang temen gw yg paling OK dey...

buat ngembaliin kewarasan gw...i'm ALIVE now.....yipppiieeee....i got it back...
perasaan yg dah lumayan lama bgt keblock ma mood hati yg mellow, sinis dan apatis hooooooo...well somehow otu akan ttep ad sey di gw...kan ke-LAMPIR-an dah jd nama tengah gw...heee.......' ato...

Minggu, 17 Agustus 2008

Sabtu, 16 Agustus 2008

smart people...

"sometimes the smartest people have the most to learn"......(quoted from smart people d movie)

do u agree on this one??? people...hearing those words...

smart people must be d' one who get an A in their class...pass math exam with a blink of an eye.....tend to look down on people cuz they think no one can barely catch up with their thoughts......

but then they were suckers at school...nerdy weirdo people among their friends...that's the strereotypes....

di film ini ad satu karakter ce' yg namany "vanessa"...she's a very smart young girl....early acceptance in Stanford...but can barely make a single friend....and definitely a cynical type of girl....

she always gets angry to everone without any clear's just what she feel inside....

anger within herself......

it's all because she looked at her father as d' role model......

dad: u dont look happy..??
vanessa: u don't look happy either...u're my role model....

hmm...complicated right?

Selasa, 05 Agustus 2008

He inspires me.....

just like many people said...inspiration comes from everything beyond what u can think of....
ga' nyangka gw niy anak keren abis.....

he survived.......from what most people feared of.......cancer....

about less than a year ago...i remembered his brother came to me and told me with nearly wiping eyes that his younger brother suffered the disease that mot people feared of....he soon would soon be operated.... treatments thousand times not to say.......all the worse scenarios u can ever imagined....

he's been there....done that.....

and he survived......

just like what the secret tells you about.......the law of the universe will drag u to the positivity beyond ur wildest dream haallllaaaaahhhhh......

great job pattyL.....=P

Senin, 04 Agustus 2008


If love was a bird
Then we wouldn't have wings
If love was a sky
We'd be blue
If love was a choir
You and I could never sing
Cause love isn't for me and you

If love was an Oscar
You and I could never win
Cause we can never act out our parts
If love is the Bible
Then we are lost in sin
Because its not in our hearts

So why don't you go your way
And I'll go mine
Live your life, and I'll live mine
Baby you'll do well, and I'll be fine
Cause we're better off, separated

If love was a fire
Then we have lost the spark
Love never felt so cold
If love was a light
Then we're lost in the dark
Left with no one to hold

If love was a sport
We're not on the same team
You and I are destined to lose
If love was an ocean
Then we are just a stream
Cause love isn't for me and you

So why don't you go your way
And I'll go mine
Live your life, and I'll live mine
Baby you'll do well, and I'll be fine
Cause we're better off, separated

Girl I know we had some good times
It's sad but now we gotta say goodbye
Girl you know I love you, I can't deny
I can't say we didn't try to make it work for you and I
I know it hurts so much but it's best for us
Somewhere along this windy road we lost the trust
So I'll walk away so you don't have to see me cry
It's killing me so, why don't you go

So why don't you go your way
And I'll go mine
Live your life, and I'll live mine
Baby you'll do well, and I'll be fine
Cause we're better off, separated

Minggu, 03 Agustus 2008

Chan9es does occur...

ngeliat foto ini jadi bener2 kangen sama mereka.......hupfh...keadaan mang dah sama sekali ga' seperti dulu lagi....dan klo kata orang bijak...cuma ada satu hal yg ga' berubah dalam hidup ini...y perubahan itu sendiri..jadinya who has to be blamed klo ternyata semuanya berubah???

sahabat yg tadinya deket jadi yg dah pacaran bertaun2 putus.....unavoidable....

d' truth is...i really missed the old times....

saat2 dimana gw masih tau ap2.....lurus2 aj.....bener2 cuma punya keyakinan dan mimpi2....all i'm thinkin' was just trying to save the day...see...naif bgt kan???

mengutip ap yg temen gw blg....mungkin mang enakan jadi org yg naif krn hidup serasa tanpa beban.....kemungkinan sakit hati jg kecil......????


awalny siy iy...tapi kelamaan kok kyny feels like i'm being foolished y???

terserah juga org mau blg negative thinking ato ap....but "it's my life".....(bon jovi kaleee.....)

so...i'm in charge.....

i'm d one who supposed to set the set my choice......

now...i'm letting everyone elses off the hook.......

i want to live my life............????!!!!!@@@@

Sabtu, 26 Juli 2008


People may think whatever they want to think of me..but I know what I’m doing….they don’t even have the rights to judge…

I feel like being in the crossroads….


hanya keyakinan yang dapat membuat seseorang kuat dan sanggup melakukan almost everything that one man can barely do….
But sometimes faith brings dissappointment in oneself that he can barely forgive….


Semuanya ga seputih atau sebersih yang dibayangkan…..mungkin terkesan a litle bit cynical….but this is the reality….c’mon people…

Don’t be NAIF….

Such dissappointment does occur….often…so be prepare for that….

I decided to live my life the way I want them to be….things changed….one day I feel like this is the right thing for me…but other times I feel like it doesn’t even represent what I’m thinking….

Live is more than just like u’re doing the daydeaming for the rest of ur life…..

It is a dream that u have to reach…
It is a reality that u have to face……instead of just saying that maybe this is what God put us into….goshh……it’s ur life…it’s in ur hand…u decide where to go….u decide what to do…u decide what decision to make……..u decide who you want to be with….

Others may not know how to appreciate u but what more important than that is what u think of ur own self…..

U become things that u’ve been thinkin’ of….others don’t have the rights to set rules on u….u have to set own rules….

Freedom is priceless……

Minggu, 29 Juni 2008

Han9in' by a moment....

Just like what the song tells you about.....i'm kinda feel like being "han9"-in' by a moment by him.....
hmmm..for whatever things that has ever happened to me...i know that i have done the very best i could....and so did those who may have let me down....
trying to face life a little bit tougher than what i did before...
cuz everything is not as nice as everyone might think it would be...
just like what "ikal and arai" did in their lives...."bermimpilah karena Tuhan akan merengkuh mimpi2 itu"....

so ... i will never stop dreaming.....

Selasa, 18 Maret 2008



what if somehow you feel like being in the crossroads??
it's kinda confusing and feelin' depressed whether to choose "this way" or "that way".......

people often face different kinds of choices in life.....

but what if all of a sudden ...the one you feel like the right one came in the totally wrong time????

or was it only a temptation that couldn't be resisted.....????

feeling guilty.....

hmmmmm........i'm in the crossroads of my life.....
kinda having faith that i will stick to the old things but like i said....
shhii******** it's just couldn't be resisted..........hiiiiiikkkkkssss.......

Minggu, 09 Maret 2008


This just in... no matter how happy you have ever been, even at your happiest, it won't come close to how happy you will one day be.

The plot thickens.

Trust me, I'm there now...

Rabu, 27 Februari 2008

b3in9 "cYniCaL"....

it's OK being cynical sometimes...
why people always bother to be nice all the time?? we're only depends on how we can handle the situation...
being cynical is only a reflection of what we really feel inside our thoughts...right??

cape' ga siy guys?? mesti FAKE all the time???
berpura2 nice padahal sebenerny lagi eneg banget ma keadaan??heee....

yup...give urself some time to relax...if being "cynical" can give you some pleasures...then i guess it's acceptable....=P

Senin, 25 Februari 2008

d' WiZaRd oF Oz....

It's kind of like I live in a Wizard of Oz world and I'm Dorothy, off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of all, who can grant your wishes, and then some too. With a twist.

I see, this Wizard is no Wizard at all, but "mere mortal" just pretending to have power that he doesn't really have. But that's not the twist.

Of course, it turns out that when put to the test, when it really matters, when he really, really cares, the Wizard actually does have supernatural powers. That's not the twist either.

The twist is that I'm also the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of all.

Seee....i am the Wizard....actually we are all the Wizards...we make magical things happen in our lives....=P

Sabtu, 19 Januari 2008

new routines

mmm...these last couple of days..i've started my new routines as a news writer in one of news' websites in town...
i am so excited since i can learn many things here in the following times t come...start to make a commitment that i will do my best and try to absorb anything quickly....
this is only the beginning...and i will make it enjoyable...halah...apakah?? hee....