Sabtu, 06 September 2008

a Day BeFoRe RaMadHaN......

akhirny bs ngumpul lagi w' d girls....we haven't met for quite a long time....couple of weeks i guess....even more....9osh....we're turned out to be that busy kind of girls....9lad to see those faces again.....(here are two of d' piccies....)

ceritanya niy acara ngmpul2 sebelom Ramadhan (which telat gw baru bkin postingan skrg karna y sok2 sibuk td heeee)...ceritanya niy acarany bertemakan.....
"seribu satu malam" which i think hmmm...kinda ribet y mesti cari2x wardrobe yg suit for that kind of theme....(well berhubung gw cm sbntar cuz hrs k kantor bwt posting weekly sm ryan; in which d weekly postingny turned out to be very boring w' him heeeee....muaph2x niy yan- jadiny ga mw ah males pake baju aneh2x heee org cm bentar doank)....

back to d "seribu satu malam" theme...which u can se in the pic above....three of d girls behind us try very hard to have that hippie or arabic ways kind of style maybe???heeee......

so what o u think guys?? do they fulfill all d requirements to be included as "best dressed award in that "seribu satu malam" theme show????" comment.....

as i said before that i only dropped by to take a glimpse of an eye.....bentar bgt bo' cm numpang ngbrol n foto2x (itu walhasil bangun kesiangan n dijemput ma' kepol yg sangat baik hati mw ketemuan d xbta heee)ngbrol2x ngalor-ngidul (bukanny idul lhoooo heee)

bis ntu balik dey k kantor tercinta dgn taxi express yg dari minggu kmren c rany teriak2x di kantor klo it msk list crime taxi....ceritana ad perempuan yg jadi target perampokan-which very fortunate she did not get ripped.....(sumpah gw mengutuk keras perbuatan itu...c'mon u ruined people's life with that....)

arrived di tetra pak tercinta around 12:30 PM....beli ketropak dulu bwt lunch heee...which ternyata kurang memuaskan hasrat lapar-kuh heee....

like i said before posting wekly (now changed into strategic outlok-skip ga penting) kinda boring....finished at around 7:40 PM (wowww...never been on duty that long for weekly...unless this time.....cuz new format n all d stuffs which need lots of times to get d work done.....

blom lg c adi n ntus yg cerewet bgt (agak2x dihiperbolis-in niy heee)
te waited for me about an hour n a half.....whoaaa so sweet boys.....u're my boys dey heee.....not to mention basah2xan cuz sblom ksni...ujan deras....since they are bikers so rains would be friendly enough to fall on their clothes...heee....

dari liat2x di Ace Hardware (once again adi showed his "dream bycycle" @ d store to ntuz n complaining bout how expensive d price is heeee), makan mpe'2x d dpn kantor mpe maen2x ma Odi -anjing kantor yg sukses bgt bkin keparnoan gw sm d creature called "dog" ilang....since odi is a very cutie sweetie lovely dog....yg tmpt tongkrongan favoritny di sebelah pos satpam heeee.....

d boys (adi n ntuz) ngakak pas tau nmny odi....dunno what was they laughed about....i guess it's quite normal for people to name their pet with whatever names they want....hee weirdo....tuh anak dua mang beda....

akhirny setelah berdebat panjang lebar qt mutusin bwt makan again di TMP tercinta.....ditengah jln niy kelemotanny c ntus mang dah ga diragukan lg dey kredibilitasny heeee....udh tau qt mw jln lurus trs lwt mmpang eh dy malah ngmbil jalur kanan pas lampu merah yg smw org jg tau itu bwt belok....dong5x....
walhasil gw n adi mesti nunggu dy dulu couple of minutes...till he showed up n we made fun of him...."ntus kau bodoh sekalieeeee.....heeee" n he responded with senyuman dahsyat yg jadi ciri khas tuh anak.... we are arrived at TMP.....kebingungan mang akan selalu ad cuz qt jln mpe ujung balik lg p msh bingung mw makan me as d one n only gal w' 'em at that time...decided that we shouold eat @ d japanese food foodstall....

they just nodded heee...i guess they did not want to hear my "cerewetan" jd nurut aj.....

ga lupa foto dulu sebelum makan...ttep lho....(*i looked very kucel heeee seharin jln blom sempet mandi....=P)


qt selesai makan jam setengah sepuluhan...bis ntu lgsg cabut pulaaaangggg....
cuz we did not want to wake up late for d very first day pre-dawn meal aka sahur in this Ramadhan............

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